Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sewing weekend with my sister!!

We've had this weekend planned for 2 months - it  was finally here! How fast time flies!! She got here Thursday morning, it's already Sunday and I just dropped her off at the airport! But we had a great time. Did a little shopping (wink, wink) on Thursday and a little more on Friday. (wink again). Got down to business in the sewing room Friday after shopping, then out to dinner. Back to the sewing room. Visited my daughter and grandkids for a little bit on Saturday.  Back to the sewing room. We did eat now and then. And over our morning coffee , we looked at magazines, new patterns and other stuff we bought (during that little bit of shopping we did :).

Denise's sewing machine didn't fly well, even as a carry-on and she had trouble with it the entire time.  For awhile on Friday night, both our machines were not working right!!  It was like Candid Camera - hers had a problem,  mine worked. Then hers worked, and  mine didn't.  At 10:30, both appeared to be working so we called it a night. That was exhausting trying to figure out what was wrong with 2 machines that had been working perfectly. Saturday morning, we really knuckled down and got to it. But her machine gave her so many probems, it was difficult for her to like her project, given that the machine stitching was not up to par. Mine was working as it should,  so I was able to work on mine.  But in the end, we had a lot of laughs, lots of M&M's, and lots of talking!! 

                                                                  Denise hard at designing
                                                                   Denise ironing
                                                          Here she is - hard at work !
                                                                  the important stuff
                                                                Denise rippin' it out
                                                           Denise's project (unfinished)
                                                         Someone wants some attention
                                                                 Work in progress
The staredown
                                                                     Jeannie hard at it
                                                           Jeannie's turn to rip it out !
                                                             Jeannie's project (unfinished)